Lenten Digital Devotionals

Have you ever heard God’s voice speaking to you in and through music? Has music ever made you feel as if you were in touch with something bigger than yourself?

This year’s Lenten devotional is called “Out of the Dust.” A group of pastors, scholars, and folks who love Jesus have worked together to create a devotional that is inspired by the power of music to point us to God. 

Each entry focuses on a song (whether an intentionally religious song or a “secular” song), connects it with Scripture or the life of faith, and offers a reflection on how this song can deepen our experience of Lent and/or our life with God.

This devotional includes entries for throughout the season of Lent, but it will not be released daily. For the first several weeks of Lent (beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5), entries will be published on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. As we approach Holy Week, the entries will become more frequent, and will be released daily during Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter, which is on April 20 this year).

May God open our ears to hear the song of God’s mercy and love.

If you prefer a paper copy of the devotional, please contact the church office at office@delrayumc.org or call 703-549-2088.